Referee Evaluation S15

To be assigned a refereeing level, or to increase the grading within the SSWPA, a referee must be evaluated by the evaluation panel. The referee is evaluated in the following areas:

  1. Ethics and Professionalism (Questions 5-8)
  2. Rule Interpretation (Questions 9-16)
  3. Provide Support to Participants in Competition (Questions 17-23)
  4. Game Management (Questions 23-37)

The outcomes aim to develop the core competencies of judgment, impartiality, critical thinking, and confidence in all water polo referees. 

Score N/As as 3.

When being rated: 1 = Expected More, 2 = Meets Expectations, 3 = Exceeds Expectations

A 0 in any category will represent a failure for the evaluation. Opens referees must score at least an 16 in Rule interpretations to pass. 66 Points is required to pass.

References for the scores are available here:
